Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Apk Files ѻѻSnack Pack v1.0.3 (1.0.3) Android Apk

The Android Market is essentially Android’s answer to Apple’s iPhone App Store. As of September 2009, the Android Market already offered well over 10,000 applications, and this number has only continued to grow. In addition to the applications the Android Market offers, you can also use it to install other downloaded third party applications.

1. Copy the APK file to your Android’s memory card and insert the card into your phone.
2. Download and install the Apps Installer application from the Android Market
3. Once installed, the Apps Installer will display the APK files on the memory card.
4. Click and install your APK files.

Snack Pack v1.0.3

Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | 1.6+

Overview: Snack Pack a clean minimalistic me help designer . Besides, everyone needs a snack!


T me works ll Apex, Nova, ADW, Go Launchers. It may work vary launchers found market b has not tested compatibility.

Designed XHDPI devices. Resolion may vary depend device.

Icons will connuously be added progresses. We will try honor icon request y come . Hover, it may not be possible get finished at y will be added updated.

Thanks DCOMOBILE, kovdev, Design Rifts, BSThemes, Roll Square Productions, Joshuas_79, Klinster, Blair Alton, Frost Designs, 1Rola, NMILTNER

Special thanks DCOMOBILE help me get t me off my screen onto device.

Check work of those listed above device even greater.

What’s t version:

Over 20 icons added

Changed look of ’s main page

Activity name fixes

Fixed wallpaper bton issue when us Nova Launcher

T has no adversements

More Info:



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