The Android Market is essentially Android’s answer to Apple’s iPhone App Store. As of September 2009, the Android Market already offered well over 10,000 applications, and this number has only continued to grow. In addition to the applications the Android Market offers, you can also use it to install other downloaded third party applications.
1. Copy the APK file to your Android’s memory card and insert the card into your phone.
2. Download and install the Apps Installer application from the Android Market
3. Once installed, the Apps Installer will display the APK files on the memory card.
4. Click and install your APK files.
Battery Drain Analyzer (F) v2.07.01 ‖‖
Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android s | Android Market | Android 2.2+ ‖‖
Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android s | Android Market | shows which lication drain battery most ( FULL VERSION) ‖‖

‖‖ Battery Drain Analyzer (FULL) ‖‖ - shows which lication drain battery most ( FULL VERSION) ‖‖ - shows battery status notification bar (optional) ‖‖ - shows battery status widget 1x1 (optional) ‖‖ - shows battery level changes to ‖‖ - shows battery life statistic last 30 s ‖‖ - notify case battery level bellow selected level (optional) ‖‖ !!!Please alwa run lication first start , which monitor battery. With it lication will not work!!!If use a task killer, please lication exception list!!! ‖‖ If have suggestion, comment bug report, please use first "Feedback" Menu Preferences. It very hard help , if criticize lication with additional inmation Market. ‖‖ ‖‖ ‖‖
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