Saturday, September 8, 2012

Free Apps ‖‖ADW APEX GO – Traverse Theme v2.9.3 (2.9.3) Android Apk

The Android Market is essentially Android’s answer to Apple’s iPhone App Store. As of September 2009, the Android Market already offered well over 10,000 applications, and this number has only continued to grow. In addition to the applications the Android Market offers, you can also use it to install other downloaded third party applications.

1. Copy the APK file to your Android’s memory card and insert the card into your phone.
2. Download and install the Apps Installer application from the Android Market
3. Once installed, the Apps Installer will display the APK files on the memory card.
4. Click and install your APK files.

ADW APEX GO – Traverse Theme v2.9.3

Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | 1.6 up

Overview: Over 1340 of a kind unique styled icons cant find ANYWHERE else.

These are very shiny, glass glossy icons, full sized Hi-Def HD quality.



- We have a of a kind “Search” function

- T me contains over 1340 icons!!

- They me from drar!

- Can be lied me almost launchers

- 7 Custom Wallpapers

- 5 Glass Glossy Docks

- 2 Drar Backgrounds

+ The Apps2SD feature enabled, b unadvised.


All instructions are available if click “OPEN” after download, its very important follow m!


- Go Launcher EX Tablet

- Go Launcher EX

- ADW Launcher / ADW Themes

- Apex Launcher

- Nova Launcher

- Nemus Launcher


- Rabbit Launcher

- Atom Launcher

- Holo Launcher

- Launcher Pro

- dxTop Lite

- Crazy Home

- Panda Home

- Open Home

- MX Home

- VTL Launcher

- Circle Launcher

- Desktop Visualizer DVR

- Folder Organizer

- Launcher-X


Completely me’s stem icons many devices, includ:

- Jellybean Android

- Ice Cream Sandwich



- Honeycomb

- Gerbread

- Miui

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- CyanogenMod

- Sense 2.5 Sense 4

- If re miss someth, please email!


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We hope enjoy!!

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Press ‘open’ after download will only open our info screen.

★ Error GOLauncher? ★

When go manually select an Icon GO Launcher, use our amaz organized searchable index of icons, select icon above “reset” bton when Go selection mode. If Gallery opens, need “clear defaults” gallery . Us t method select icons makes it much easier Go Launcher load icons, much easier find icons look .

Again, t a me icon pack compatible many Home Screen launchers. If home screen launcher of choice not list, please email us us email link options. If have any special icon requests suggestions changes, please email us instead of comment below, our comments are not monitored suggestion’s errors me. Our team tested t me us a Samsaung Galaxy S2 us Tmobile Golauncher Apex Nova. An HTC Evo 4G Sprint us LauncherPro. An Samsung S3 us touchwiz, Samsung Nexus S4G us Sprint both ADW ADW EX. T package be referred a Go launcher me, adw me, Launcherpro me, many of me. If love t dark / grey / shaded / minimal concept Jellybean / ICS / Honeycomb / Gerbread me, Please comment & submit requests via email.


- Please review “ICS PLATES” Theme official change log, exact updates per date are listed.

T has no adversements

More Info:



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Hope This Article Free Apps ‖‖ADW APEX GO – Traverse Theme v2.9.3 (2.9.3) Android Apk will help you.